Thursday, September 27, 2012

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As I Learn to Pray in Christ

When I was first introduce to Christ, the first challenge that I face is learning how to pray. I know the Our Father prayer. Who among us who is raise in a conventional Filipino household don't know the prayer?

However, as I know the Lord Jesus Christ, I've realized that praying is not just a "simple-memorize" prayer we've learned since childhood.

Prayer is talking to God, a form of worship that is significant as we grow in Christ and as we become intimate with God. Although God doesn't often speak in an audible voice, He does often speak directly from His Spirit to ours. God’s voice may come to us in the form of thoughts implanted in our minds, a leading toward some course of action, or simply an insight, which causes us to see things, we hadn't seen before.

Through prayer, we learn more and more about His character and how His perfect will is working itself out in our own life. Deepening our understanding of God also deepens our faith and desire to worship.

In addition, as we pray we also obey God's command and glorify His name at the same time.

I know it's not easy, but remember as you pray, it's the Holy spirit dwelling in you and interceding every time we feel at lost and don't know how to utter those first words.

So come on! Lets worship the Lord Jesus Christ in truth and in Spirit.

Below is an example of Model Christian Prayer (Matthew 6 : 5-15) which can serve as your guide to begin your quite time in Christ. As you go along, the Holy Spirit will teach you on what to say and you may come up your own way of worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer in which you feel comfortable. Please do remember that God knows your heart and is not concerned with your words.

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