I wake up this morning with the endless thought of thanks giving to our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though its been pretty tough weekend, I've been bless by the sermon of our pastor concerning the two sisters that Jesus both love- Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus.
The sermon was found in (Luke 10:38-42)
This happen when Jesus came to a village where a woman named Martha and Mary offered hospitality to Jesus. Mary sat and listened to him as he talked, but Martha objected to the fact that she was left with all the work. Jesus told Martha not to worry about small things, but to concentrate on what was important.
Jesus commends Mary on her choice to listen to him than helping her sister in preparing for Jesus and his disciples arrival. In this story, Jesus teach us not to worry on small things or earthly things which is temporal but to concentrate on what is eternal.
We are commanded to set our priorities. And that is putting Jesus Christ as first on the list no matter what. I guess in my case, I need to give up some activities like putting aside my dream to pursue Master's degree. My grades aren't also great and no matter how much i try I can't fully grasp all the lessons in class. I can't even finish my papers for next month's deadline. Which makes me think that maybe graduate school is not the right place for me.
Am I in the right track on God's plan? or I am the one running the show of my life without realizing that I am pushing Jesus in the sideline?
Is it that hard to submit your plan and will for our Lord Jesus Christ?
Which lead me again to the next question..,
What did Jesus sacrifice for me?
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